Monday, May 2, 2016

A&T News

    The teacher wanted us to search for some news relating to art and technology, so I searched on the internet and I found a news article relating Google DeepDream. DeepDream is a computer visualization tool that was developed at Google's Zurich office (at Zurich, Switzerland) and it was released to the world during the summer of 2014. It's a style of computing inspired by the brain and nervous systems to not only help us learn to recognize shapes in pictures but understand how neural networks work and what each layer has learned. So a network is comprised of sets of ‘neurons’ that are all interconnected and will communicate with each other when given an input (usually a high number of inputs) in order to determine what the correct output might be. They’re used most notably in speech recognition and image classification.

       I found this video that shows a journey trough all the layers of a artificial neural network.

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